Sveriges Teamcoacher och Teamcoachingakademin bjöd in till ett gratis webinarium med Michael Gates den 8:e april.

Michael Gates är en av världens främsta ledarskapsutbildare och föreläsare rörande kross-kulturella team och interkulturella relationer. Han är Associate Fellow vid Said Business School, University of Oxford, och har arbetat med lednings- och nyckelteam på bl a Microsoft, Ericsson, Nokia, the Technical Research Centre of Finland, Airbus, the European Union, the World Bank, the UN, Rolls-Royce och KTH. Han har också stöttat såväl den svenska som den finska regeringen i samband med att länderna haft ordförandeskapet i EU:

Föreläsningen hölls på engelska och Michael pratade bl att om:

  • What is culture, and why managing it is crucial for team performance within multicultural and diverse teams
  • Values and communication
  • The Lewis Model of Linear-, Multi- and Reactive Cultures and how to use it
  • Human mental programming – focus on the cross cultural dilemmas between Swedish values and business cultures in relation to other countries
  • Cultural horizons – the importance of finding common ground
  • How to mirror communication styles to double your chance of successful outcomes (based on research)
  • The language of management – focus on team cultures
  • Leadership styles – focus on team cultures
  • 3 research-based rules for successful multicultural teams, plus what Google learned – and a Nordic mnemonic
  • Building trust across cultures

Du kan se webinariet här:


Following our recent webinar on Working Successfully in Diverse and Multicultural Teams, we are pleased to give Sveriges Teamcoacher a special member offer on a half-day online programme, tailored for team coaches interested in becoming CultureActive Licensed Partners.

The session will be conducted by Michael Gates and Ric Lewis (MD of CultureActive Ltd.)

You will get:

  • a deeper understanding of the Lewis Model of Culture
  • a thorough introduction to the CultureActive resource, including the admin area – which is only open to Licensed Partners
  • advice on how to use CultureActive in coaching as a way of enhancing your services
  • an overview of the 360 team perceptions inventory, specifically designed for team coaching
  • Information on next steps and what benefits and costs (minimal!) there are from becoming a partner

The per person fee for the half-day webinar is Euro 99 net (usual fee would be Euro 200 net) and we will include a free-of-charge trial licence so you can do your own assessment and explore the programme. (The usual price for an individual licence is Euro 90 net.)

We need a minimum of 10 participants to go ahead with the programme and will fix a date/time once we have enough coaches interested.

If you are interested in principle, write to